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Updated: March 21, 2022

Published on Sep 16, 2017, and now for some brilliantly colorized frames by Guy Micheal Foster! This is only a small sample of the wonderous colored art that can be found exclusively at the Priplanis Polycolor Collective:

Lost in Space first season was shot in black and white accept for the Jupiter-2 crash site which was shot also in color for future scenes for the series. Many fans enjoyed and believe the first season was the best of the three year run. Mostly do to the well written scripts, and special effects. The first five episodes were originally the unaired pilot, and after the network picked up the series chopped up the pilot seeing the story line was over done, and adding Dr. Smith and the Robot characters to the show.

Prior to the new Lost in Space being remasterd and on Blu-Ray I pitched the idea to Producer Kevin Burns on remastering and coloring the first season. Remastering and coloring is very time consuming and quite expensive. At the time Mr. Burns was not interested in coloring the first season.

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