Updated: October 05, 2024
The Cast Lost in Space
Had Bill Mumy gotten his way years ago, the crew of Jupiter-2 would not have been left in space. Billy Mumy, the former kid actor
who starred as boy genius Will Robinson on Lost in Space ( 1965-68 ), had an epilogue mapped out in the late 70's that would have reunited the Space Family Robinson and resolved their castaway woes. I had written a screenplay, I had the entire cast committed
to the project, I had 20th Century Fox committed, I had CBS committed, he recalls. All of the players in place. Except for the
late Irwin Allen, creator of the popular TV series, who choose not to revive Lost in Space.
I don't want to dis him, Mumy says. I just wish he'd have done it. But now Mumy's grand plan is no longer viable, given the deaths
of cast members Guy Williams ( Professor John Robinson ) in '89 and Jonathan Harris ( Dr. Zachary Smith )
last November.
The rest of the cast remains close. Mumy, 49, lives in the Los Angeles area with his wife and two kids. He still acts ( including
a Twilight Zone episode this year with daughter Liliana ) and does cartoon voice work and documentary narration. A musician, he recently released a new CD.
Angela Cartwright, who played daughter Penny Robinson, is 50. She lives in L.A., is married, and has two kids. She's also a photographer who recently had her first gallery showing, and she collaborated with Mumy last year on a science-fiction novel.
Marta Kristen, who played eldest daughter Judy Robinson, is 58. She's a mother and grandmother, also living in L.A.
Mark Goddard, who played pilot Don West. He's a teacher in Massachusetts and married, with a grown daughter ( film producer
Melissa Goddard ) and a young son.
Lockhart, 79, is still acting ( a recent credit includes The Drew Carey Show in 2002 ). She lives in L.A., and is the divorced
mother of two grown daughters ( one is actress Anne Lockhart ), and a grandmother.