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Updated: May 15, 2024

Fellow Americans, friends all over the world. Upon the success of this mission will depend wheather the explosive increase of population on this planet will ultimately lead to a disaster from which none will be exempt, or a new dawn of plenty for all of humanity. None can predict the outcome of this audacious venture to the very stars. To those who staked their lives upon this bold expansion of man's horizons, I humbly say: "Go in peace. The prayers of Mankind are with you."

Heading the expedition will be Doctor John Robinson, Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Stellar Dynamics. With him, will be his wife, Doctor Maureen Robinson, the distinguished Biochemist of the New Mexico College for Space Medicine; their daughter, Judith, age nineteen, who has rather heroically postponed all hope for a non-scientific career on Earth. Their son, Will, who recently was graduated from the Camdo Canyon School of Science at the age of nine, with the highest average in the school's history; and their daughter Penny, age eleven, I.Q. 147, hobby Zoology. Their assistant Major Donald West, was the same young man who last year rocked the scientific community with his theories regarding other planets fitness for human habitation.

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