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Updated: June 30, 2024

Transparencies are the cream of the crop when collecting rare negatives / slides and photo's of any TV show or movie. Negatives are small and limited in reproducing quality photo's and images. Where transparencies are normally taken by professional photographers. These transparencies were used for large promotional photos, posters, advertisement, press release info, and other purposes of promoting the show or film. The quality of these transparencies are excellent, when making copy negatives for duplication of making photo's.

From my research on these rare transparencies there were 3 professional photographer in the 1960's that were taking all the photo's for Irwin Allen's productions. Two of the photographers are long gone, and one is still alive in Los Angeles. My friend has located that photographer, and is currently working out a deal on obtaining many rare transparencies, negatives, and photo's that have never been seen or used from the 1960's.

The transparencies featured here are from the Lost in Space original TV series from 1965-68 on the CBS network. Some of these transparencies are common scene photo's that have been used many times over. Others, were never used, and are very rare. Some of the transparencies were used within the episodes, where others were used for promotional shots, bloopers, weekly reviews, etc. The value of these transparencies depends on the condition of the negative and the rarity of the photo.

Prices range from $20 to $500-Up.

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