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Updated: March 09, 2025

Top 10 Most Famous People of All Time:

Whether famous for their positive influence, good deeds, and memorable accomplishments, or infamous as a result of their wickedness and atrocities, these are the people in history whose names are well known today and will continue to be spoken for generations to come.

#01 Jesus Christ:

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Palestine. He was born to Mary, as the bible says "she was found with child of the Holy Ghost" ( Matthew 1:18 ). He was both man and God ( John 20:28 ). According to the bible He is God alone ( Deuteronomy 6:4 )... read more Everyone knows Jesus Christ. Even people who hate him still acknowledge his impact. For those who hate Jesus, how can you hate someone that you don't believe in? Practically everyone in the world either hates Him or loves Him.

Christians, such as myself, love the Lord. But those who hate God, hate Him because they are still in the dark. And the darkness hates the light. Notice this, the world doesn't hate any other religion, just especially Christianity. Why? Because the darkness despises the light.

This is proof right before our eyes that Jesus is the way. Jesus didn't come to the world to condemn it, but to save it. There is proof too. Every day, demons are cast out, people are healed. Not for the glory of people, but for the glory of God. Christians are just as sinful as everyone else. So what makes them different? The difference is that Christians, through their sin, have also learned never to reject God. Thus, Jesus graciously accepts them as His own and gives them the hope and faith that martyrs died for. Jesus died to save you. No matter what you have done or who you are, Jesus, your true heavenly Father, loves you. That is why He died for you. That is also why Christians are driven by the power of the Holy Spirit to teach in the name of Jesus Christ. It is not just us Christians, for we could not love God by our own power. The Holy Spirit is alive and active in the world. The Holy Spirit is who brings previously sinful people to faith in God, to meaning, and to true love and joy. Brothers and sisters, God be with you all. Jesus is Lord. Amen.

#02 Michael Jackson:

Michael Jackson ( Michael Joseph Jackson; August 29, 1958 to June 25, 2009 ) was an American singer, dancer, and songwriter. He passed away from cardiac arrest caused by a propofol and benzodiazepine overdose on June 25, 2009. He donated ( at least ) a remarkable 500,000,000 dollars to charity. Michael... read more Obviously, Michael Jackson is the most famous and greatest human being to ever live. He profoundly changed the world and did the most loving and caring things for children and people in need. He revolutionized the music industry and is the greatest dancer of all time. No one will ever beat him. He was, is, and always will be the best person that has ever lived.

Michael is known by every person on the planet. He got mobbed in countries that didn't even have technology. He was crowned King in Africa, not just the King of Pop, although he is that too. Specifically, he was crowned King of Sanwi, a place in Krindjabo, Ivory Coast, West Africa. He is also the proud owner of over 1,000 awards, a number that is still growing to this day. Along with many deserved awards, such as presidential awards, he also had over 4.8 billion fans. I think it is very sad that his trusted personal doctor injected him with Propofol and Benzodiazepine, enough to kill an elephant, and walked away for 45 minutes. When Conrad Murray came back, he tried doing CPR on the bed to resuscitate Michael. The person knew that would do nothing. There's no way he didn't. Every year at multiple different award shows, Michael is reserved a seat in the front row. They put a RESERVED slash on the chair and a piece of laminated paper that says Reserved for the King of Pop Michael Jackson, with his face on it. Michael will always be the King, and no one will outshine him, definitely not Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, or Justin Bieber.

#03 Muhammad:

Muhammad ibn Abdullah ( 570 AD - 632 AD ) was an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of the world religion of Islam. According to Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet, divinely inspired to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets... read more Our Prophet Muhammad SAW is the best man ever! No one compares to him! Michael Jackson, Jesus, they can never be above the humanity of our beloved prophet. While Michael has been doing charity for some years, our Prophet, 1400 years ago, started the organization of charity called Hilful Fuzul. He taught this world how to forgive and how to be humanitarian. No one can be above him!

A person who is more charitable and better than a person who feeds others without eating himself. At least Michael, Ya Allah, I am like a fool, who am I comparing with! In any case, no one, no human can be equal to the Prophet. Our Prophet used to tie stones to his stomach even when he was hungry. Even though he owned a lot of property during that period, he did not keep anything for himself and gave it all to the poor and afflicted.

Did Michael or anyone else feed others without eating themselves? Never! Even though he owns so much property, he gave it all away, not indulging in the luxury of enjoying even a little bit. No one can do this! I can challenge! So first, we should know more about the Prophet, and then we can really see that he is the one who deserves to be number one! No one else!

#04 Adolf Hitler:

Adolf Hitler ( April 20, 1889 to April 30, 1945 ) was a German politician of Austrian descent who served as the leader of the Nazi Party since 1921, Chancellor of Germany since 1933, and Führer of Nazi Germany since 1934. As dictator of Nazi Germany, he reversed the Treaty of Versailles, initiated World... read more Hitler will likely be remembered and talked about in history books worldwide for hundreds, if not thousands, of years to come. However, he will eventually be outdone by someone who is yet to be born. Jesus and Muhammad will be more commonly mentioned worldwide by far. However, it's impossible to confirm their existence. Michael Jackson is not in the same league as the dictator who displaced most of Europe and dragged every other major country into a war.

Adolf Hitler is history's most famous monster. Everyone knows who he is. The argument that a kindergartner wouldn't know who he is doesn't convince me of anything, as those kids will all have heard of Hitler before they reach middle school. I don't know how famous Jesus is outside of Western nations, but I assume Hitler is known in every nation. He is the closest a person has ever come to being the devil in human form since radios and mass communication became available, simply due to the scale of destruction he caused and how much he changed the entire world. He is remembered the way Genghis Khan would be remembered had modern technology existed during the 13th century. He is the ultimate bad guy that people can see videos and clear photos of.

#05 Albert Einstein:

Albert Einstein ( 14 March 1879 to 18 April 1955 ) was a German-born theoretical physicist, widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest and most influential physicists of all time. Einstein is best known for developing the theory of relativity, but he also made important contributions to the development... read more Albert Einstein is the smartest person of all time. He has inspired countless numbers of geniuses and influenced all the technological advances that we have today.

It's because people say he is one of the smartest individuals the world has ever had. We humans like to be better than others, and being smarter than Einstein will only make it better for the world. Those who are smarter than Einstein often contribute good things to the world.

Reading the reviews, I learned some things I never knew. Albert is somewhat like my idol, and he deserves #6. He was a great scientist who made life easier for future generations. When people hear the words "famous scientist," most think about Einstein. He may not be the best, but he is the best.

#06 Abraham Lincoln:

Abraham Lincoln ( February 12, 1809 to April 15, 1865 ) was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War and succeeded in preserving the Union, abolishing slavery,... read more Abraham Lincoln is considered to be the greatest President of all time. He ended slavery and gave African Americans the freedom they had always been fighting for. He united the country more than it had ever been after the most divided civil war ever.

Anyone can relate to Lincoln, no matter who they are. In some way, he has positively impacted the lives of all Americans for the past 150 years. He was a great man but also just a man. He was humble and liked to tell dirty jokes. When I learn about him, I can see myself in him. I think that's why he is so loved.

#07 Elvis Presley:

Elvis Aaron Presley ( January 8, 1935 to August 16, 1977 ) was an American singer and actor. Dubbed the "King of Rock and Roll", he is regarded as one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century. His energized interpretations of songs and sexually provocative performance style, combined... read more Music, and even the culture of America and the world, has never been quite the same since Elvis Presley's last breath and heartbeat that day in August 44 years ago. Though God gave humanity the gift of the short life of Elvis Aron Presley on loan, sadly, Generation X and 21st-century millennials think that boomers overrate him.

Boomers are not actually the biggest fans. Pre-boomers are. The fact is, Elvis Presley arrived on stage in his prime in the mid-1950s, before boomers came of age. Boomers didn't come of age until the 1960s and 1970s, when the Beatles arrived on the music scene.

#08 Donald Trump:

Donald John Trump ( born June 14, 1946 ) is an American businessman, television personality, politician, and the 45th President of the United States. Born and raised in Queens, New York City, Donald J. Trump received an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania... read more Whether you like him or not, Donald Trump is one of the most talked about Presidents ever. Not only in America but the entire world knows who he is. You may not agree with him politically, but you can't argue that his influence is especially strong.

President Trump is easily the greatest president since Teddy Roosevelt, and maybe the greatest ever. The press and global elites have all colluded to try to tear him down, like they've tried to do to many others before - including the President's longtime friend, the late Michael Jackson - but they simply can't. He's pursuing peace in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula, crafted and passed great trade deals, dramatically cut taxes, and much more, all while the corrupt evils of the world attempt to bring him down.

#09 Diana, Princess of Wales:

Diana, Princess of Wales ( born Lady Diana Frances Spencer; 1 July 1961 to 31 August 1997 ), was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, who is the eldest child and heir apparent of Queen Elizabeth II, and the mother of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex... read more The most famous woman to ever live is and is considered to be the queen of the people. Princess Diana of Wales is one of the most beloved and influential figures the world has ever seen.

She is beautiful and kind, and what happened to her will continue to break the hearts of people around the world for many years to come. Also, why is she the only woman?

By far the most famous woman of the twentieth century. She was loved by all, from every corner of the Earth, for her beauty, passion, and heart. Unlike others whose fame comes and goes, her fame will endure beyond time, and she will forever be in our hearts.

#10 Barack Obama:

Barack Hussein Obama II ( born August 4, 1961 ) is an American politician who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He was the first African-American president of the United States... read more Obama is much better than Trump in a variety of ways. Instead of saying the election was rigged and challenging it until inauguration day, Obama transferred power in a humble way.

When Biden got elected, Donald Trump said the election was rigged and only wanted to count the votes from Election Day. He challenged Biden's win for months after Biden humbly accepted his victory.

He may not have been the best president, but he saved America as we know it. I don't think people really understand the depth of how much the American economy was in shambles. This man inherited something rotten and saved it, while the other side wanted to ride the cycle and let the economy bounce back by itself.

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