Updated: March 09, 2025
From classic horror stars like Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff and Lon Chaney, through to iconic horror movie characters like Freddy
Krueger and Jason Voorhees, Classic Monsters is rich in facts, trivia and scares from the world of horror cinema. Whether you're looking for a specific horror movie, an actor or a director, all the classic monsters and their movies are cross-referenced here so you'll easily find what you're looking for.
Classic Monsters is about more than scares and screams. Its about the art of the monster movie, the cast, the makeup, the stories behind the camera and the nail-biting moments in front of it every fan of the classic monsters has their own stories to tell about
this fascinating cinematic world. We love to share our experiences of classic monsters, so leave a comment and tell everyone your opinions on your favorite horror movie or classic monster. There are so many classic monster movies out there, not just from well
known horror movie studios like Universal and Hammer, but from smaller studios whose horror movies are just as worthy ( Not to
mention being great fun for any horror film fan! )