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Updated: February 24, 2025

The action figures and play sets were only part of the Apes bonanza. Official merchandise was licensed from Fox and the vast array of products proved to be briefly very lucrative. Ultimately, everything from puzzles to rings and wastebaskets bore the image and logo of the remarkable planet "where apes evolved from men".

Some of the Merchandise produced over the years:

Mattel produced a sub-machine gun; Larami produced a pellet rifle; Deka produced a plastic cup and dinnerplate set in 1974; Aladdin produced an embossed metal lunch box complete with thermos; Amsco produced an 'Adventure Set' made of fiberboard, which included ape headquarters, underground ruins, villagers' hut, doomsday bomb cave, and jail with moving door, all supplemented with die cut fiberboard figures; Don Post Studios produced a set of highly professional and fondly-remembered 'over-the-head' Apes masks; The Ben Cooper Company produced Halloween masks and costumes based on a number of the Apes characters; Chemtoys produced 'Fun-Do Modelling Molds' which featured various Apes characters; The Chein Company produced metal wastebaskets, including two Apes versions - one featured the Statue of Liberty scene and an ape soldier, another depicted caged humans; Play Pal produced a striking Galen plastic piggy-bank, and another featuring Dr. Zaius; The Renzi Corporation also produced an all-plastic 17-inch Dr. Zaius piggy-bank; The Stan Toy Company in the UK produced five different toy rings which included Dr. Zaius, Galen, Zira, Urko, and Cornelius also identified as Caesar; Introport Development Company produced a plastic pendant-style radio; Aurora produced giant Planet of the Apes puzzles which reached nine feet when completed; H.G. Toys produced puzzles housed both in boxes and in canisters; Milton Bradley produced a boxed board game based on the TV series in 1974; Hasbro produced a 'Color-Vue Set' with pencils and pictures; Saalfield / Artcraft produced coloring, activity and 'Cut-and-Color' books in 1974.

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