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Updated: May 07, 2021

From the Movie Beneath the Planet of the Apes comes an excellent rendition of James Franciscus as Astronaut Brent. He was sent on a mission to find Taylor who was lost in the first movie. The trilogy left its mark on the world of Science Fiction, and was a hit with the fans of that genre.

From the very talented Pablo Valenzuela comes this 3D rendering of James Franciscus and I have to adit that Pablo nailed his looks...the face is incredible. This 3D printed model was printed in a 4K machine to bring out all the details that the artist put into the creation.

As you can see he is about 1/6 scale standing about 11.5 inches. The base was printed using a filament machine. Any fan of the Franchise will enjoy having this model as part of their collection. I have not seen a model of Brent out on the market so take advantage of the limited release.

Retails: $165.

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