Updated: January 01, 2024
For every genre, there is an icon. And for automation's, it's Normura's Mechanized Robot or more appropriately, Robby the Robot
from Forbidden Planet. Released less than a year after the debut of the 1956 MGM classic, Nomura's is both the first and most
accurate period rendition of the movie robot.
Through scores of Robby imitators emerged, none captured the style and action of Nomura's 14-inch toy. The battery-op walks ( in a circle, no less ) like most articulated-leg robots, but the real action is inside his head: pistons furiously pump up and down, while the head antennae spin-just like the movie inspiration.
Normura marketed Mechanized Robot for a number of years, producing a limited number of color variations. Note that reproductions
exist, and are so marked inside the leg battery compartments. Also note the accompanying values are based on all-original toys
( domes are often replaced ), and mint-original box includes all original packaging insert materials.
The wild marketplace success of Mechanized Robot flouts collector urban legend which claims MGM enjoined Nomura over Robby Space
Patrol ( 1950's ). All hail the cornerstone of space toys - Nomura's Mechanical Robot.
Value: $ 4,000. ( Complete with Box )