Updated: January 09, 2024
The number #1 Robby the Robot built by famous robot builder John A. Rigg. If you know anything about robot building then you know
Mr. Rigg's work.
This piece was completed in 1995 and there is a brass plaque on the base that has the above information along with whom the robot
was built for. This replica looks like the real one and not like a toy. Plus with the features, I fell in love with it. Here are
some of the features:
All componets in the head and chest box light up and move. Both ear rings move. There is even a controller unit that controls all
the lights and movement of the head from left to right. The feet are secured to a custom base that comes with a plaque stating who
made this robot, who it was made for, and when it was completed. There is a mic that you can incorporate your voice for the robot
and the neon will work in sequence with whatever voice is going into that mic. If you wanted to install a cd player and have Robby's actual voice come out, then you can do that again for little money. I left it as is because I felt it was a collectors item due to
Mr. Rigg's history in Robot building and I'm a huge fan of his work. Even though this is not a licensed piece, it is still one of
the better Robby's made. It is made out of thermo-formed ABS, just like the original. That is the beauty of Mr. Rigg's work. He
always tried to replicate off the original.
Value: $25,000.