Updated: January 16, 2025
Fantastic Voyage ( 1966 )
A brilliant scientist, develops a blood clot in his brain but using the technology developed by him that can miniaturize matter, a
team of experts enters his body in a ship The Proteus, aiming to save him. This used to play frequently on television in Australia
when I was younger and I had not seen this film in many years. It is still a visually impressive film with an exciting concept and
tense storyline even if the science is dated and we all have more understanding of our anatomy these days.
From the outset the suspense is tangible with a great ensemble of actors at the helm and firm direction from Richard Fleischer. All
those in the ship the Proteus keep us on edge but especially engaging are Stephen Boyd heading the mission, Raquel Welch an interesting scientist assistant ( so not just eye candy ) and a magnificently shady Donald Pleasance. The effects that capture inside the body though often technically not medically accurate still have a big bold surreal beauty to them and effectively create another world. There's some slips in logic along the way but it's so visually interesting and the story's so compelling they are easily over looked and at 50+ years old this film is still very much a Fantastic Voyage. The film received two Oscars ( for Art Direction and Special Effects ) and was nominated for five awards, a short lived animated series followed in 1968 and a remake has been discussed for years but nothing so far as come to fruition.