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Updated: May 27, 2023

Space Academy was a live-action sci-fi children's television program produced by Filmation that originally aired Saturday mornings on the CBS television network, from September 10, 1977, to December 17, 1977. ( Repeats ran on and off until 1979. ) A total of fifteen half-hour episodes were made. The program starred veteran actor Jonathan Harris, best known as Dr. Zachary Smith of Lost in Space; co-starring were Pamelyn Ferdin, Ric Carrott, Maggie Cooper, Brian Tochi, Ty Henderson, and Eric Greene. The program also featured a pint sized robot called Peepo, a radio-controlled machine, voiced by Erika Scheimer ( credited as "E.C.S." ) through a vocoder.

Guest stars included Lawrence "Larry" Dobkin, Dena Dietrich ( "Mother Nature" in Chiffon Margarine TV commercials of the 1970s ), Dallas McKennon, and Howard Morris.

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