Updated: January 04, 2025
With a new Star Trek series on the airwaves, it's time to look back and realize that Gene Roddenberry's landmark TV show helped lay
the foundation for fandom as we know it, in all its beautiful weirdness. Because the show went off the air in its prime, the fans
who were left behind had to create their own adventures. Trekkies seized on subtext to create "slash," casting characters in special relationships and spawning a whole world of fic.
Because the adventures of the Enterprise were so open-ended, featuring alternate universes, way-out aliens and tons of interpersonal drama, it was fertile ground for fan artists and writers to create just about any tale they wanted. That fandom helped lay the groundwork for many to follow, and it's safe fun way.
We're boldly going where only the most devoted fans and artist has gone before. Pulling out fan art that pushes the envelope of both fun, dramatic, and with new adventures. Every major Trek franchise will be represented here, so if you have a favorite character
expect to see it here soon....enjoy!!!!