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Updated: August 05, 2023

This card game, based on the 60s TV show, is similar to the card game "War". The difference is that the cards have a rock-paper-scissors relationship to each other: Gomez takes Morticia...Morticia takes the children...the children take Gomez. The Lurch and Uncle Fester ( Wild ) cards take any other cards.

The entire deck is dealt out evenly to the players. Players take their top card and place it face up on the table. The player who turned over the highest value card wins both the cards. If cards have equal value, then each player continues playing cards face up until only one player turns over a card that matches the original cards. This player wins all the cards played.

The player who takes all the cards in the deck wins. For more than 2 players the game is played in a series of "round robin" duels.

Value: $100.

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