Updated: February 24, 2025
The Addams Family was supposed to be an odd ball rich excentric family of near monster almost circus type people who instead of be cound by all societies conventions lived by their own values. They were decent wonderful people with hearts understanding compassion the equal of some and, better than most in so called normal society. The Addam's so secure in their sense of self individually and
as a family unit were completely unknowing or caring of the reactions of normal polite society. Indeed members of the Addams family
to a person / it and, thing were so secure in themselves they often felt it was the people of normal society who were weird and,
that was the core of its comedic genius. Yes the props are all old the special effects are all painfully obvious to us sophisicated folk of the new millennium but the jokes the reactions of the people the whole Addams aura is still as alive in each of those
episodes as it was they day they were shot.
You can not go wrong buying all these episodes each on a treasure in itself. Never has learning about human psychology and, seeing shallow superfical people for the fools they are ever been so much fun. I can not recommend anything more highly than getting these Addam's family episodes you will never regret it if you know how to laugh at all.
Real america beyond the fake and, plastic families who waste their lives trying to reach today's artifical moving traget ideal are
just like the Addams Family. The Addams family said and, did those things that we all think of doing and, want to do if we were free
of our conformist shackles of what makes a pretty house, a nice car, a beautiful gardenm, well adjusted children. Some might say the Addam's Family with their odd ways flouted societies conventions where I feel they lived up to each in its fullest.