Updated: March 09, 2025
The Beverly Hillbillies is an American television sitcom that was broadcast on CBS from 1962 to 1971. It had an ensemble cast featuring Buddy Ebsen, Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, and Max Baer Jr. as the Clampetts, a poor backwoods family from the Ozark
Mountains of Missouri who move to posh Beverly Hills, California after striking oil on their land. The show was produced by
Filmways and was created by Paul Henning. It was followed by two other Henning-inspired "country cousin" series on CBS: Petticoat Junction and its spin-off Green Acres, which reversed the rags-to-riches, country-to-city model of The Beverly Hillbillies.
The Beverly Hillbillies ranked among the top 20 most-watched programs on television for eight of its nine seasons, ranking as the No.1 series of the year during its first two seasons, with 16 episodes that still remain among the 100 most-watched television episodes in American history. It accumulated seven Emmy nominations during its run. It remains in syndicated reruns, and its
ongoing popularity spawned a 1993 film adaptation by 20th Century Fox.
The series starts with Jed Clampett, a poor, widowed hillbilly who lives with his daughter and mother-in-law near an oil-rich swamp in Silver Dollar City in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. The opening sequence shows Jed discovering oil while shooting at a rabbit, although the first episode shows the oil being discovered by a surveyor for the OK Oil Company. The company pays Jed many millions
of dollars for the right to drill on his land. Jed's cousin Pearl Bodine prods him to move to California now that he is wealthy
and pressures him into taking her son Jethro along. The family moves into a mansion in upscale Beverly Hills, California, next door to Jed's banker, Milburn Drysdale, and his wife, Margaret, who is appalled by the hillbilly Clampetts.
The Clampetts bring an unsophisticated, simple, moral lifestyle to the wealthy and sometimes superficial community. Double entendres and cultural misconceptions are the core of the sitcom's humor. Plots often involve Drysdale's outlandish efforts to keep the Clampetts' money in his bank and his wife's efforts to rid the neighborhood of "those hillbillies". The family's periodic attempts
to return to the mountains are often the result of Granny feeling slighted by the "city folk".
Three of the main characters Jed, Granny and Elly May appear in all 274 episodes. Jethro ( 272 episodes ) is not in the last two episodes of the series, having gone into hiding to avoid an anticipated marriage proposal.
Jed Clampett:
Good-natured patriarch Jed Clampett ( Portrayed by Buddy Ebsen ) has little formal education and is naive about the world outside
the rural area where he lived but has a great deal of wisdom and common sense. His forebears are revealed in series 1, episode 25,
to have come to America before the Mayflower arrived. However, he later denies this to avoid offending Mrs. Drysdale. He is the widower of Granny's daughter, Rose Ellen ( Buddy Ebsen was only 5 years younger than Irene Ryan ). He is the son of Luke Clampett
and his wife and has a sister called Myrtle. In episode 13, it is revealed that Jed's grandfather was 98 when he married Jed's grandmother, who was 18. In an early episode, Jed tells Elly May that she is the spitting image of her mother. He is usually the straight man to Granny and Jethro's antics. His catchphrase is, "Welllllll, doggies!"
Daisy May Moses ( Portrayed by Irene Ryan in all 274 episodes ), called "Granny" by all, is Jed's mother-in-law, so is often called "Granny Clampett" in spite of her last name and despite the fact that in the pilot episode Milburn Drysdale refers to her as Jed's mother. She is a descendant of the Moses clan, who feuded with another family, the Bodkins, and drove them out of Napoleon, Tennessee. In Season 9, Episode 23, Granny states that she is "from Limestone, Tennessee".
Granny has an abrasive personality and is quick to anger but is often overruled by Jed. She is a devout Confederate and fancies herself a Baptist Christian ( "dunked, not sprinkled" ). A self-styled "M.D." ( "mountain doctor" ), Granny uses her "white lightning" brew as a form of anesthesia when performing painful treatments such as leech bleeding or tooth pulling. She often
refers to the concoction as "rheumatize medicine". Like the other Clampetts, she is known to take things literally, having thought Mrs. Drysdale had turned herself into a bird using black magic ( astrology ) and mistook an escaped kangaroo for a giant jackrabbit ( but failed to convince anyone of its existence ).
Paul Henning discarded the idea of making Granny Jed's mother, which would have changed the show's dynamics, making Granny the matriarch and Jed her subordinate.
Elly May Clampett:
Elly May ( Portrayed by Donna Douglas in all 274 episodes ), the only child of Jed and Rose Ellen Clampett, is a mountain beauty with the body of a pin-up girl and the soul of a tomboy. In a very early episode, Jed tells Elly May that she is the spitting image of
her mother. She can throw a fastball and "wrassle" most men to a fall, and she can be tender with her friends, animals, and family. She says once that animals can be better companions than people, but as she grows older, she allows that "fellas kin be more fun
than critters." In addition to the family dog, Duke (an old Bloodhound), a number of pets live on the Clampett estate thanks to
Elly May's love of animals. In the 1981 TV movie, Elly May is the head of a zoo. She is a terrible cook, and family members cringe whenever she takes over the kitchen. Elly May is easily in her 20s, but Granny usually promotes her age as "14" since an unmarried mountain woman as old as Elly May is considered an old maid.
Jethro Bodine:
Max Baer Jr. as Jethro ( 1962 ) Jethro ( Portrayed by Max Baer Jr. in 272 episodes ) is the dim-witted son of Jed's cousin, Pearl Bodine ( in a customary practice, he addresses Jed his once-removed elder cousin as "Uncle Jed", just as his second cousin, Elly May, addresses Jethro's mother as "Aunt Pearl" ). Pearl's mother and Jed's father were siblings. Jethro drives the Clampett family to their new home in California and stays on with them to further his education. In the first series, he is in the fifth grade, having spent three years in the fourth grade and two years in the first grade. The others boast of Jethro's "sixth-grade education". Jethro often speaks enthusiastically of his abilities in "cipherin'" ( 1 and 1 is 2, 2 and 2 is 4 ), and "gazintas" ( 4 gazinta 8 2 times, 3 gazinta 12 4 times ), and he is ignorant about nearly every aspect of modern California life. In one episode, he attends a local secretarial school and is so disruptive that he is given a diploma at the end of the day to keep him from returning. In real life, Max Baer Jr. has a bachelor's degree in business administration, minoring in philosophy, from Santa Clara University.
Many story lines involve Jethro's endless career search. He considers becoming a brain surgeon, a fry cook, a millwright, a street car conductor, a spy, a telephone lineman, a soda jerk, a chauffeur, a USAF general, a sculptor, a restaurant owner, a psychiatrist, a bookkeeper for Milburn Drysdale's bank, a talent agent for "cousin" Bessie and "Cousin Roy" and a Hollywood producer. More often than not, his goal is merely to meet pretty girls. Miss Hathaway has a crush on him, but he is oblivious to this. Of all the
Clampett clan, he is the most eager to embrace city life. Jethro has a huge appetite in one episode, he eats a jetliner's entire supply of steaks, in another he tries to set himself up as a Hollywood agent for cousin "Bessie" the chimpanzee with a fee of
10,000 bananas for Bessie and 1,000 for him. When "Cousin Roy" ( Roy Clark ) comes from "the hills" to Beverly Hills to become a country music star, Jethro refuses to be his agent when Roy becomes a success. Jethro does not appear in the third or second-to-last episodes, but Baer remains billed in the title credits.
Baer is the only surviving main cast member.
Milburn Drysdale:
Mr. Drysdale ( Portrayed by Raymond Bailey in 247 episodes ) is the Clampetts' banker, confidant, and next-door neighbor. He is obsessed with money, and to keep the Clampetts' $96,000,000 ( in 1969; equivalent to $797,618,875 in 2023 ) in his Commerce Bank,
Mr. Drysdale will go to great lengths to cater to their wishes. He often forces others, especially his long-suffering secretary, to help fulfill their outlandish requests. He is a descendant of the Bodkins family from Tennessee. It is revealed in the first season that Granny's clan, the Moses family, feuded with the Bodkins family and drove them from Napoleon, Tennessee. A recurring comedic scene shows Drysdale angrily answering his phone only to find Jed on the other end of the line, at which point Drysdale's demeanor instantly changes to one of good humor and accommodation.
Jane Hathaway:
Nancy Kulp as Jane Hathaway, with Max Baer Jr. and Sharon Tate ( in a dark wig ) Jane Hathaway ( Portrayed by Nancy Kulp in 246 episodes ), whom the Clampetts address as "Miss Jane", is Drysdale's loyal, well-educated, efficient secretary. She is genuinely
fond of the family and tries to shield them from her boss's greed. Miss Hathaway frequently has to "rescue" Drysdale from his schemes, receiving little or no thanks for her efforts. The Clampetts consider her family; even Granny, the one most averse to
living in California, likes her. Jane has a crush on Jethro for most of the series' run. In 1999, TV Guide ranked Jane Hathaway number 38 on its list titled "50 Greatest TV Characters of All Time".