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Updated: October 10, 2023

The Time Tunnel Original TV Script - End of the World -

This item is 5 copies of the script bound together with the production notes, storyboard sketches, and various other associate-producer related necessities. The scripts were originally used by Jerry Briskin, the associate-producer. His name is written in the top right corner of several of the scripts, and at the top of a couple the supporting documents.

The first 3 revisions are on the bottom of the stack, with the episode name written on the covers. These scripts are type-written and a white xerox copy was used. You can see several edits, notations and production notes written in felt tip pen and pencil on these copies.

The fourth revision has a professionally printed cover, green pages and states "Shooting Final" & "May 17, 1966" on the cover. These pages do not look like Xerox copies and have extensive notes in pen.

The fifth, and final revision, also has the professionally printed cover, stating "Revised Shooting Final" & "May 31, 1966". It is composed of multiple-colored pages with notes. Sandwiched between these shooting revisions are 4 blue-print type drawing of shooting locations and 23 storyboard sketches in the same blue-print type copy.

This script set also includes:

A copy of the Shooting Schedule, with hand written notes.

Newsreel Footage list and Stock Footage List.

A copy of the Cast Sheet, including the character name, actor, and address & phone number.

Xerox copy of handwritten Teaser ( 4 pages ).

Xerox copy of 2nd Draft Treatment dated 4/25/66 where the script is typed out in a paragraph story-type form.

A carbon copy of a typed note to Winnie from Jerry Briskin.

2 copies of a budget sheet with Danger written in red at the bottoms.

6 copies of 20th Century Fox Production Reports.

6 copies of cast / crew call sheet.

2 sheets of hand-written notes, all numbers and math.

A carbon copy of a typed note to Briskin and Irwin Allen about cast salary.

A carbon copy of a typed note to Briskin, Irwin Allen, and Larry Stewart showing cast salaries.

A Xerox of a letter from American Broadcasting Company Dept. of Broadcast Standards and Practices about needed script medications to approve the script.

Hand-written notes on legal paper from budget meeting.

Xerox copy of photo effects budget, cost sheet, & construction budget.

More stock lists, budget sheets, photo dept burn-ins and then some.

This is an original studio script and is in good condition. There is some light wear to the edges, a light crease in the cover, a bit of rubbing, and a little bit of age darkening around the edges of some pages, particularly the sketches. The top two pages have more wear than the rest of the script.

This is a very rare and unique piece of Hollywood Memorabilia!

Value: $1,000.

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