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Updated: October 08, 2023

By Bruce Fedow:

As any fan of The Time Tunnel knows who has ever courageously ventured "out into the fields" conventions, sci fi specialty stores, eBay, etc-procuring original contact sheets for a one season TV series is next to impossible. Add to that the fact that only two copies of each sheet was ever created ( one for the Fox East Coast offices; one for the West ) and you are currently viewing some of the rarest Time Tunnel collectibles ever.

These are a few of the contact sheets in the collection I've been compiling for over thirty years. The photos were taken on the set during filming and ( my favorites ) in between takes when the stars & guest stars got a chance to relax.

Photos on this page include scenes from "Raiders From Outer Space" with guest star Kevin Hagen ( later Inspector Kobick in Land of the Giants ), "One way to the Moon" featuring the huge spaceship set created especially for this show and guest star Larry Ward, "End of the World" where Sheriff James ( Dr. Marvello of Lost in Space ) Westerfield tries to rescue Tony from the mine collapse, photos of Michael Ansara and Neimiah Persoff on the "Secret Weapon" set between shots, Joe Maross as Custer with his co-stars during an outdoor filming sequence of the "Massacre" episode, Bob Colbert in a different costume posing for publicity shots during the "Night of the Long Knives", the time travelers and guest star Anthony Caruso as Cortez filimg "Idol of Death" and guest stars Gary Haynes and Heather ( Land off the Giants ) Young on the dock set in the "Town of Terror".

If anyone else has any Time Tunnel contact sheets please be as generous as I was and send some scans to this wonderful website to share with the fans.

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