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Updated: January 15, 2023

This may interest some of you? I recently started combining some of my hobbies (thrift shopping and collecting vintage sewing machines) and began putting emblems on old leather jackets. I've been using commercially made emblems like aircraft or space program emblems.

Last week, taking my cue from WWII jackets, I tried painting a emblem (an airplane) on leather and it turned out pretty good. This week, I tried something really different and made a Flying Sub emblem...that I finished about half an hour ago. This emblem is 3" in diameter because that is a standard size on most military jackets.

I cut a disc from some scrap leather and cleaned it with toluene. Then I gave it a coat of acrylic gesso which acts like a primer. I blocked in the basic colors then I did the details on the Flying Sub. Then I added the finishing details and lettering plus a final coat of sealant. I used "Convair" as the primary contractor because Convair not only built the Sea Dart waterborn fighter but Convair was also part of General Dynamics which owns submarine builder Electric Boat. I need to order some wide Velcro from amazon to attach the patch to a jacket.

Brent Gair

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