Updated: February 23, 2025
The Future Belongs to Those Who Build It!
Sci-Fi and Fantasy Modeller Volume 13 includes: Moebius Flying Sub. We've got the kit, we've got the build - our exclusive brings you the full story on this instant classic.
- Paul Taglianetti takes an up close look at the filming miniatures for the Batman movies.
- Invisible Man Squared - two takes on the classic subject, including the new Moebius kit and an awesome diorama.
- Victorian Phaser - what if a Trek team, trapped in the past, had to build a weapon from available arterials? Our scratch build
shows the results...
- Dark Star - the filming miniature revealed.
And that's just for starters! Volume Thirteen is packed with exclusive stories and photographs, kit reviews and many more modeling treats!
Softcover, 100 Pages - Imported from the UK.
Value: $20.