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Updated: February 26, 2025

How well I remember Batman... the runaway hit... totally unexpected and everyone wanted to visit the set... they had a guard at the door .. Stan, was his name... a sweetheart .. No one without a "Bat Pass" was allowed on that set and you could go on the set on either Tuesday ( s ) or Thursday ( s ). Don't know why they chose those days as anything could be going on. No way to know what would be the best days? If you were lucky enough to get that "Bat Pass" you could only stay an hour!

When Bill Dozier was doing the pilot for Batman ... he wanted it to be Camp ( That was a new word. Maybe he made it up )? He could not find an announcer to do the narration as Bill wanted it done... sooooo, Bill Dozier did it himself. They tested about 4 or 5 teams of actors before choosing Adam & Burt. Every major star from films ( Unheard of ) wanted to do an episode of Batman. They had some of the biggest stars on that show.

The stunt work was wonderful on this classic TV show. They would rehearse for a long time 'choreograph'... maybe days... the writers would write such difficult things to do,... writers have wonderful minds and dream up wonderful things. But do not realize some things cannot ( Then ) be done or the cost is / was so prohibitive. They paid guest stars ( Hugh film star ) one thousand dollars. That was top of the show ( Every show has a top ) and these huge stars did not care. This was a big hit and much as film used to hate TV and vice versa. They wanted to be on Batman! Sooo many were... When the ratings began to drop after the 2nd season ( Think ) they decided to bring in Yvonne Craig as Batgirl?

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