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Updated: January 02, 2025

The Jupiter-2, ( alternatively the Gemini 12, the Jupiter II or simply the Jupiter ) is the flying saucer spaceship of the Robinson Family The culmination of nearly 40 years of intensive research at the time of launch, it was considered the most sophisticated piece of hardware yet devised by the mind of man.

( The Reluctant Stowaway ) However, the Super-Spaceship had in fact been based on the warp drive and other technology of a crashed Aeolian vessel, and built by the Irwal Corporation under the tutelage of the crafts sole survivor. ( Voyage to the Bottom of the Soul ) The successor of the sabotaged and destroyed Jupiter-1 spacecraft, The Jupiter-2 was almost doomed to a similar fate when it launched on October 16th, 1997, but incredibly the craft survived to become Lost in Space, carrying its crew through years of adventures, and finally bringing them home in 2015. ( The Epilogue )

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