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Updated: April 18, 2022

It's amazing what people are doing on computers in today's times! I can only wish I can do stuff like this in the near future? For now, I'm just happy just to turn on my computer, and play on the internet. I guess I'm going to have to take a couple of computer coarses at West Valley College. God help the poor teacher that will have to deal with little old me!

Most if not all of the gif's or artwork is done by friend, "Mark Schwetter" of Medina Ohio. Mark's skills and talent is the best anywhere on the internet. I am very proud to have him helping me on so much of this artwork and photo improvements throughout this entire website.

We continue to receive many e-mails from "you" or friends / fans on the internet. You have replied and shared your artwork and computer skills here. We have so much graphic art to down-load here, it's over-whelming. Please continue to submit your artwork, and we will do our very best to get it up on the site as soon as possible.

"Many thanks to all the talented people of the internet and websites for all this great artwork"!

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