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Updated: June 29, 2022

Issued in Greek in the 1960's and was never sold in any other country. The item was up for sale on eBay, (07/2/00) and myself and one another bidder was at war for this item. We both decided to pass on the item at $4,850.00. The seller wanted $5,000. for the item. The game consist of a color playing board, dice, and four color figures. (Missing 1 figure) Artwork includes Captain Alonzo P. Tucker (Albert Salmi) from Lost in Space first season's episode, "The Sky Pirate". It is unknown on how this game is played?

"This is one of the rarest items to obtain from the classic series". (*) Update: Recently a toy company has modified this rare treasure, and added hand painted Robots to add value and excitement to this cool game!

Value: $5,000-Up.

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