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Updated: November 30, 2022

This special one of a kind item was made by hand by Benj Pezzolla. When I spoke to Benj several months ago, I asked him about making one of these Robots for my collection. Well, as you can see here Benj went all out on this great collectible item. This mini Robot is from the "Mechanical Men" episode which aired on April 5, 1967. This is the "Mechanical Men Leader" and comes with his special stand and a plastic case.

When I spoke to actor Billy Mumy (Will Robinson) at Guy William's star ceremony, he told me that he had the original Remco Robot Leader and his stand for many years. He finally losted interest in the item, and gave it away to a fan. This figure stands about 2" tall and is made by polymer material.

Value: $100.

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