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Updated: February 17, 2022

This is the original leather space jacket with pants that actor Matt LeBlanc worn throughout the entire movie. Matt LeBlanc played the updated character of Major. Don West the Jupiter-2 pilot in this 1998 film. As with all the costumes made for this film, the costume is very heavy, and a nightmare to wear during filming. The costume is in excellent condition. Actor Matt LeBlanc is best known for his character as "Joey" in the sitcom on Friends. This costume is currently owned by friend Ken Calis of Orange California.

Matt LeBlanc leather flightsuit from Lost in Space. (New Line, 1998) Dark brown leather g-suit style flight jacket and matching leather pants, each piece with silver spiral piping designed to resemble electronics. Jacket has military insignia on the epaulettes, and stenciled name on the left breast D. West. Worn by LeBlanc in the opening battle sequence, when he fights the Sedition suicide squad and then rescues his wingman Jeb Walker from impact with the Grissom Hypergate construction site.

Value: $5,000-Up.

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