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Updated: October 12, 2023

I was first aware of this rare item back in March of 1999. I met the owner of this item through a "Toy Shop" auction. Collector and fan, Richard Clark of Weymouth MA was selling TV guides at the time. After a phone call, Richard mention to me about this 1960's promotional billboard poster. Several months letter Richard sent me a letter and several photos on this item. His letter stated the following to me.

"The poster was made for promoting the "Lost in Space" TV series in Atlanta Georgia. After doing some research on the item, word of mouth spread quickly that I bought it. Richard received a phone call from a gentleman that worked for the transit authority in Atlanta, and he remembers these signs being on the back of the buses. He and others have offered Richard money on this, but he was not interested in selling it, for he truly treasured it". I too offered to purchase this item from Richard, but the transaction never happen.

On March 31, 2001 this item came up for bid on eBay. The auction ended with 15 bids and not selling reaching a high bid of $3,550.00. A family member of Richard Clark, being Randy Ginger was trying to re-purchase the item for the family. From what I remembered Randy told me that Richard was killed in a car accident, and the family sold many of Richards collectibles. The item is now up again for bid on eBay. The new owner which I have dealt with before, is asking $5,000.

Either discarded or destroyed after use, this is a ultra rare 1960's billboard sign that was afixed to the back of an Atlanta Georgia bus promoting Ted Turners new WTCG channel 17 showing of "Lost in Space", in 1979 WTCG was renamed WTBS. This sign measures 23 x 27 inches and has been framed. Picture is from episode #08 "Invaders from the 5th Dimension" aired on November 3, 1965.

Synopsis: Aliens capture Dr. Smith and plan to replace their burnt out computer with his brain, Dr. Smith bargains with them and they attempt to use Will's brain instead.

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