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Updated: December 16, 2023

Issued by the Remco Company in 1966. These were sold through the Sears stores or catalogs. This is the all black version, and is quite rare. I currently have ( 12 ) different color versions of this toy. Who knows how many colors Remco did back in 1966?

Value: $800.

( Update 12-17-04 ) A little about Remco! These guys are famous for some of the 60's best fantastic plastic toys. They built the Bulldog Tank, the Fighting Lady battleship, The Rocket Cannon, the Barracuda Atomic Sub, the Whirlybird, , The Monkey Gun, the Drive-in Theater, The Big Caesar Warship, The Mighty Matilda Aircraft Carrier The Flying Fox, and best of all the Lost in Space Robot toys which are so popular among collectors.

Remco did battle in the early sixties against Deluxe Reading who are known for the Playmobile, X500 Rocket Base, The mighty ( Mo Cannon ), The Battlewagon, the defender Dan Machine Gun and the Jimmy Jet. Deluxe Reading was right down the street from Remco in ( Elizabeth, NJ ), Also next door was Marx, who everyone knows was king of playsets ( in New York ), Marx built The Big Shot Mobile Cannon, The Skyscraper building and The Cap Firing Tank.

Ideal, was also nearby in Hollis New York was competing with their Astro Base, Robert the Robot, the Dick Tracy Copmobile, the Electronic Fighter Jet, the Phantom Raider, Odd Ogg, King Zor, The Satellite Launcher and the Zeroid Robot Series and finally Topper ( really Deluxe Reading's non-supermarket line ), known for the Ding a Lings, Tiger Joe Tank, Secret Sam, And Johnny 7 One Man Army.

This period was truly the height of the history in American Toymaking and the period that really makes me say They just don't build toys like they used to.

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