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Updated: December 16, 2023

Custom built-up the classic Robot YM-3 Masudaya 16-inch second season color scheme by pro-modeler for the collecting Lost in Space Super-Fan whom understands the custom-built construction of scratch-built parts which are as follows: power-pack with green-circuit board / cut-raised brain-parts / cut-out computer-tape area below control-plate. Also extra-extra plus the cut-out environmental-door & plus more improved Robot coil rubber arms inplace replaced! Ultra-claws accurate painted bright-red have been putty-in as per way claws come from Masudaya kit with open edges.

Then white blinking-lights in bubble-head & red-blinking light in Robot chest. Red-Light in Robot-chest is bright-red as per pics not red enough!! One light switch on-off works lights located in back between lower bottom legs. Sensors one red & with one gold metallic as gold a classier look! Barrel & platform painted metallic silver. Legs painted grey with perfectly painted black Robot treads.

Bottom of Robot is pictured as had to enter bottom to install environmental door as bottom side fixed per expertly revamped! Newly provided eight AA-batteries in power-unit which cradles in Robot barrel. Sorry but the badly done Robot voice has been taken out in place for the battery-pack for lights. Masudaya Model Kit made in Japan in 80's no longer manufacturered.

Built and painted by master craftman, Jerry Vonmueller ( Silverspider ) of New York City.

Value: $350.

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